Foot fat

I was at water aerobics yesterday.  I put my water weights and my shoes on the side of the pool by my favorite spot – near the speakers so I can hear better.  As I walked toward the steps, I said to my friends, “You would think that after the whole summer my feet would […]

Selling Seniors Short

There is something that has been bugging me ever since I did my research on cholesterol in 2018.  The best I can express it is with a question. Is the established medical community selling seniors short? My birthday was in August.  I’m now a year into Social Security and Medicare.  Maybe the birthday is why […]


¿Qué sucede cuando estamos estresados? Ya sea que se deba a una discusión, un mal día en el trabajo o estar atrapado en el tráfico, todos sabemos cómo se siente el estrés. Aunque la experiencia sea muy conocida, ¿sabes lo que realmente está sucediendo en tu cuerpo durante estos momentos de estrés? Todo el proceso […]

Moist salads

I like my salads with lots of dressing.  I don’t know if this is an inborn personal preference or whether it is subconsciously influenced by my Dad.  When I was a child [who didn’t eat any vegetables] Dad once cajoled or bribed me into trying lettuce.  “It has no taste,” I said.  He replied, “Suzanne, […]

“Know thyself”

We are back from a trip through the Southeastern United States, visiting family and friends.  We went to a reunion with my cousins, and visited with friends who have moved to Alabama and Mississippi.  We made plans to spend time with cousins of my husband, who we haven’t seen in more than 20 years.  They […]

Mantenerse hidratado!

Especialmente a medida que envejecemos, el mantenerse hidratado puede ser un desafío. ¡PERO! Las mujeres y hombres de cualquier edad corren el riesgo de sufrir varios problemas si se deshidratan crónicamente … La cantidad adecuada de agua dentro de sus células, llamada agua celular INTRA, son esenciales para todas las reacciones bioquímicas que ocurren dentro […]

BTD vs pre-diabetes

I have good BTD news about my Honorable Husband.  In his most recent physical, his bloodwork showed that his blood sugar was up again.  I guess it was seven or eight years ago that his blood sugar crossed the line into pre-diabetic territory.  The doctor gave him a year to get it down, and that […]