Taking charge of my health

I’ve always taken charge of my health by trying to eat and exercise right. I’ve been led astray by the “health fads” of the times- like using soy protein powder as a teenager in the 80’s and going vegetarian in college in the early 90’s- but I’ve always been proactive with my health. These interests […]

Green beans in my cereal

This is a Mother’s Day vignette – that would only happen to someone on the BTD. It’s been almost a year, and I continue to enjoy eating my meals upside down. My biggest meal of the day is breakfast.  Lunch is either a salad or meat and vegetables in a bowl.  Supper is fruit, ground […]

Lograr un peso saludable y sostenido

Antes que nada, quisiera felicitar a todas las mamacitas en nuestro día. Honor a quienes honor merecen! Los anuncios publicitarios de productos y programas para bajar de peso y obtener salud necesitan tonificar sus mensajes, haciendo afirmaciones, prometiendo más de lo que probablemente los productos y programas pueden cumplir. Proclaman resultados “milagrosos” – una rápida […]

Brain Exercise – what type is best?

As you know if you have spent any time with the Blood Type Diet – every body is different.  Not only do different Blood Types need different foods, but Dr. D. recommends different types of exercise for the different Types. Once I turned 60, I became interested in brain function, and I hope to maximize […]