La Dieta de acuerdo al ‘Genotipo’

Por medio de múltiples medidas antropometricas de torso, de pierna, así como medidas comparativas de  dedos índice y anular, D2 y D4, proporciones de cadera con respecto a cintura, la forma y dimensión de la cabeza, ángulos de mandíbula, características dentales y huellas digitales, las cuales nos ayudan a obtener historial prenatal y genético. A […]

Allergy Avoid Tradeoff

Last week I blogged that my seasonal allergies and my food allergy to chocolate disappeared after several years on the BTD. I wasn’t expecting that result, so I wasn’t watching for a change. I just realized one day that I had gotten past August and September without a sore throat. I could be around freshly […]

Saying Goodbye

Ben Reich passed away on Sunday, March 1st. He was the father of my children and a good friend, even though we’ve been divorced for years. The past few months have been hard, as we knew he was dying- but obviously the past week and a half have been harder still. Most of his immediate family, myself included, were there with him at hospice the day he died.


I once was meeting with a patient, and as I usually do, I asked him how he had heard of me. He answered by citing a newspaper article which I knew in fact was extraordinarily negative about the BTD. When I asked him what he thought about the article, he answered that his sister had had such wonderful results with the program, but he had never gotten the name of the book from her! The article has simply served to give him a way to find me. He was grateful for that.